Calling All Employers!

Capitol Building

Capitol Building

Federal and state law requires employers to report newly hired and re-hired employees in North Carolina to the North Carolina New Hire Directory. Please use this site for information about reporting new hires, including reporting online and other reporting options!


Register to report new hire on the internet or to securely transfer files


Login and report new hire online or transfer files if you are already registered

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We would like to thank you for your continued commitment to the children and families of the State of North Carolina. You are a key partner to the success of this new hire reporting program, and we thank you for your diligence in reporting new hires.

New hire reporting accelerates the child support income withholding order process, expedites child support collection from parents who change jobs frequently, and quickly locates non-custodial parents to help establish paternity and child support orders. All of this helps children and families receive the support they deserve. New hire reporting also benefits North Carolina taxpayers by preventing welfare, workers’ compensation, and unemployment insurance fraud.

You may reach us directly by phone at 888-514-4568 or by email using our General Comments and Feedback form.

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Contact Information

North Carolina New Hire Directory
PO Box 427
Norwell, MA 02061
Phone: (888) 514-4568
Fax: (866) 257-7005